Governor Gavin Newsom 1021 O Street, Suite 9000 Sacramento, CA. 95814 Phone: (916) 445-2841 FAX: (916) 558-3160 Email: use the form here
State Senator
Mailing Address for all State Senators California State Senate P.O. Box 942848 Sacramento, CA. 94248-0001
Website to find name and contact information of a State Senate member: Find your California State Senator by using your address and zip code.
Website to find home page of State Senate members: Search here to locate the home page of the Senator you are trying to contact. If you do not know your representative, use the link above. You can find contact information, biography, committee memberships and more. If you use any of the contact forms, the address you enter needs to be within the district. A district map is linked from the home page if you need to "recruit" a useable address. You can also use the email address format below in your email client.
Website on Senate committees: Here are the Senate committees. Find who the committee members are, committee address, when the committee meets, submit a position letter and more.
Email format for all members of the State Senate: senator.[last name] Example:
State Assembly
Mailing Address for all Assembly Members California State Assembly P.O. Box 942849 Sacramento, CA. 94249-0001
Website to find name and contact information of a State Assembly member: Find your California Assembly Member by using your address and zip code.
Website to find home page of State Assembly members: Search here to locate the home page of the Assembly member you are trying to contact. If you do not know your representative, use the link above. You can find contact information, biography, committee memberships and more. If you use any of the contact forms, the address you enter needs to be within the district. A district map is linked from the home page if you need to "recruit" a useable address. You can also use the email address format below in your email client.
Website on Assembly committees: Here are the Assembly committees. Find who the committee members are, committee address, when the committee meets, submit a position letter and more.
Email format for all members of the State Assembly: assemblymember.[last name] Example:
compiled 06/22
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