Ask Your Audiologist

Ask Your Audiologist  A document for the consumer to give to their audiologist or hearing care provider about recommendations for telecoil settings.

Assistive Technology Guide A guide supplied by Harris Communications (now Diglo) on the types of assistive technology available to people with disabilities.

A Guide to Understanding Hearing Loops  Why hearing loops? Your questions are answered here. How do they work? What are the advantages of hearing loops? What if my hearing aids don’t have a telecoil or I do not have hearing aids?

Are You Hearing Everything You Could?  Hearing assistive technology (HAT) can dramatically improve the lives of people with hearing loss.

Ask for Communication Access  A trifold on where and how to ask for ADA accommodations created by HLAA-DV

Create a Disaster Plan  A quick guide for disaster planning created by HLAA-DV

Hearing Loss Conversation Kit  Signs of hearing loss, benefits of treating hearing loss, how to talk about hearing loss, and steps to take and available resources

Hearing Loss Facts & Statistics  Some general numbers about hearing loss

Purchasing a Hearing Aid – A Consumer Checklist  A checklist of what you should look for before, during and after your hearing aid purchase experience.

Rossmoor Rooms with Hearing Accessibility  Locations within Rossmoor that have hearing loops installed. As of 03/24/2024, Donnor Room A has not completed its loop installation.

Smoke & Carbon Monoxide Detectors  Are you safe with your existing alerting devices? Would you know if your alerting devices go off at night? created by HLAA-DV

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